Below are some reviews of my books from Amazon, Barnes and Noble etc. Thanks for taking a look.
LaCost-The Evolution of Jason
Rizio takes on expansive subject matter in this novel, yet makes it accessible. GREAT JOB.
*****Amazon Review
I was intrigued by the premise of this book. It is something that I have always been interested in: the expanding of the human mind, whether the occasional genius polymath that comes along, or, in this case, well beyond. I believe our minds are capable of so much more, and that we may be on the brink of a new age for humanity, having come so far in the past couple hundred years in science, mathematics, and technology.
Mr. Rizio embraces the change, starting with Jason LaCost, and then with the absolute amazing evolution of Sarah. I lack for another word, besides evolution. I enjoyed how the author brought in the technical, but not so much to be overwhelming, and explaining in terms easier understood by those who aren't super-geniuses, using the tool of Jason explaining to Alison.
Although it does have hints of this book being Mr. Rizio's freshman novel, the pace kept me interested, wasn't overly complicated and jargon filled, and didn't seem off-the-charts SciFi. Enough speculation and cool stuff going on to keep a SciFi fan in tow, but not having you believe they are going from 0 to going to the Andromeda Galaxy in 30 pages. Although it definitely had thriller elements, I would not put this as the primary motive of the novel. Again...enough to interest a thriller fan, but not Jason Bourne or Robert Langdon level of saturation. Overall, a well-rounded novel that I thoroughly enjoyed, and one that made me think about our human condition.
It is my opinion that Mr. Rizio has a promising writing career, and I cannot wait for the second book, Collaboration.
The only thing I wish: I wish I could be taken along for one of Sarah's "journeys", seeing what she can see, expanding my own mind to see the beauty of the universe in the way she sees it.
- *****Amazon Review
I am a Boeing 737 Captain for a major airline and spend a lot of time in hotels. Obviously, I'm ALWAYS looking for a great read....so, LaCost intrigued me. I am not disappointed! This author has brought me into the action in real time, feeling the suspense as it occurs. The character development has been phenomenal. The only problem is - I never know where a good stopping point is. I'm not finished yet....and when I am, I'll be looking forward to the author's next book!
- *****Amazon Review
I was thoroughly impressed by "Lacost; The Evolution of Jason" from start to finish. The characters are very intriguing and bring the book to life. The pace was very fast and yet it was lighthearted to the point where you find yourself smiling throughout the book. I look forward to future works by Patrick Rizio.
- ****Amazon Review
Maybe the best book I have ever read. Perfect! I will pay full price for future works, no more kindle unlimited discount.
- *****Amazon Review
I loved the character development; I felt like the main characters were my friends, and I really cared what happened to them. This was a fast-paced, page-turning book. It kept me on the edge of my seat, wanting more. The author's premise is very intriguing. I can't wait for his next book.
- *****Amazon Review
If you want a read that holds your attention and broadens your horizons, this book is for you.
- *****Amazon Review
Rizio's Book Should Be A Movie!
What a great read! I appreciated the scope, the character development, and the pace of the read. Great combination of vast science fiction and classic thriller - a true page-turner!
Why hasn’t LaCost become a movie character?!!!
-*****Barnes and Noble Review
Patrick has produced another great book moving Jason further into his research and grabbing the reader's attention once again. I recommend this book to anyone who loves a good sci-fi book.
-*****Amazon Review